2010-12-31 12:00 von Tom Beckna Eberharter

2011 kicking in

From behalf of our crew I´d like to wish everybody who drops by our site a happy new year and a funny slide into 2011. As it seems that time is running faster and faster in these modern days it´s good sometimes to step aside, take a deep breath and realise that the right time is definetly right NOW as the future is way ahead and the past is gone anyways. CARPE DIEM  -- the more you life the less you die !!



2010-12-13 11:13 von Tom Beckna Eberharter

Back to the basics

It´s amazing how good it feels to chill on the couch after the first couple of intensiv days of the season.The first serious pow weekend is behind us and it was good to see all the weekend warriors shredding it up and having a good time again hitting treeruns and little pillowfields down to the valley.  Just riding until the legs or in my case the back could not take it anymore. No bullshit - pure snowboarding. That´s what I love about snowboarding in the early season. No liftlines, all the true headz back together and smiles for miles!

2010-12-07 13:20 von Tom Beckna Eberharter

World Snowboarding Day Dez 19th

Hey everybody,

mark Sunday December 19th in your schedule. It´s this years world snowboarding day.

Grab your stick and head up your hill of choice together with your friends to celebrate

what we all love to do. Remember that we are blessed having such an awesome possibility to

be out there in the nature and forget about daily routines. High five all your friends and throw in an 

occasional eöhhh.

see ya on the mountain.

bloggy b

2010-11-26 19:41 von Tom Beckna Eberharter

Winter 2010/2011 is on!!

Ladies and Gents,

Mayrhofen Resorts officially starts into the season tomrrow and so do plenty other resorts in Europe.

Reports of heavy snowfall in the south keep coming in and everybody starts to get a bit nervous, checking different websites and weather reports.

Check out this shot of Hintertux a couple of weeks ago, when a much beloved "Genua Low Pressure" system hit us hard. 

The current storm is also moving in from the south, and I am looking forward to get a first view out of the window tomorrow morning.

Anyway you´ll find me tomorrow at 08.30 sharp at the Horbergbahn ready to get my shred on!

Keep the white gold coming! 

Peace out 
